Ground for divorce and legal separation

Ground for Divorce and Legal Separation

ground for divorce ground for divorce Ground for divorce and legal separation 146419605 0 final 300x300Dissolution and legal separation are two common types of marital actions that couples take. In this post, we will discuss the ground for divorce and separation, statutory residency requirements for these marital actions, whether consent or default from the respondent is necessary, how the judgment will affect each spouse’s marital status and other available orders.

Dissolution and Legal Separation

 Ground for Divorce

There are only two ground for divorce in California;

  1. Irreconcilable differences that have caused irremediable breakdown to a marriage
  2. Incurable insanity with proof from medical or psychiatric testimony

Irreconcilable differences are the most quoted ground for divorce in almost every petition. According to statute, these are grounds that the courts determine to be reasonable enough to prevent a marriage from continuing and allow it to be dissolved. For these grounds to meet statutory requirements, they must have been marital problems that damaged the relationship to the point of no possible correction or resolution. Usually, at the hearing, the court will listen to both the spouses. If the court determines there is a possibility of reconciliation, the proceeding will continue for no more than 30 days.

Divorce Residency Requirement

California, just like other states, has a residency requirement for a judgment of dissolution to be granted. To file for divorce, at least one of the spouses must have been a resident of the state for 6 months prior to filing the petition. One of the parties must also have stayed in the county from which you are filing the petition for not less than 3 months before the petition. This requirement is mandatory. There is, however, no residency requirement for separation.

New arrivals in California with the ground for divorce have to wait for an additional 6 month waiting period besides the 6-month resident requirement for their marriage to be terminated. This means having to wait for over a year for the termination to be granted. This period can be shortened by filing for a petition for legal separation and then later amend it to dissolution after meeting the residency requirement. The filing date for the amended petition is regarded as the beginning date for the proceedings of divorce.

Legal Separation Judgment Requires Consent or Default

In California a legal separation judgment can be granted under only two conditions;ground for divorce ground for divorce Ground for divorce and legal separation 62cce1ecc9ed430bb3989f3d10e6de66 1032751925 300x300

  1. Both spouses’ consent
  2. The petition requested for legal separation, but the respondent fails to appear.

In the event, there is a petition, the respondent is required to appear and file a response that prevents the petitioner from obtaining a judgment of legal separation. The response shows that the respondent does not consent to the judgment.

Effect of Judgment on Parties’ Marital Status

The dissolution of marriage means the parties’ marital status is terminated, and they can remarry effective the date indicated in the judgment. The judgment of separation on its parts means the marital status remains unchanged. However, the parties can file for the subsequent dissolution of the marriage. In case a party has ground for divorce and files for dissolution, they will have to wait for at least 6 months before their marital status can be terminated.

Once the judgment terminating the status is acquired after the 6 months, the status termination date is always the date the judgment is given. The court can postpone this termination to a later time to enable; filing of joint returns for the year or to preserve health insurance coverage for one spouse who is dependent on the other. Similarly, once the 6 months have expired, the court has the power to terminate the marital status pending judgment of other issues in the marital action.

Spouses must understand that the termination date of the marital status is dependent on the attorney. Parties must also understand that;

  1. The marital status cannot be terminated before 6 months after the court has obtained jurisdiction over respondent
  2. Marital status termination doesn’t occur automatically just by the expiry of the requisite 6 months. A judgment has to be granted based on the ground for divorce and separation.

(v) Availability of Other Orders

In a divorce or legal separation judgment, the court may make other orders besides the actual dissolution and separation orders. These orders include:

  • Property rights
  • Spousal support
  • Child custody and visitation
  • Child support
  • Attorney fees and costs
  • Restraining orders
  • Restoration of former names for a party


Differences Between Divorce and Legal Separation

While both divorce and legal separation allow couples to live separate lives, there are key differences between the two. Divorce terminates the marriage, allowing both parties to remarry, while legal separation allows couples to live apart but remain legally married. This distinction can affect various legal rights and obligations, such as health insurance benefits and tax filing status.

Filing Process and Required Documents

For both divorce and legal separation in California, the filing process begins with submitting a petition to the court. The primary forms include:

  1. Petition for Dissolution (Divorce) or Legal Separation (Form FL-100): This form starts the process and includes information about the marriage, children, and the grounds for divorce or separation.
  2. Summons (Form FL-110): This form informs the other spouse that a legal action has been filed and outlines their rights and responsibilities.
  3. Response (Form FL-120): If the other spouse contests the divorce or separation, they must file this form.

Additional documents may be required depending on the complexity of the case, such as financial disclosures and custody agreements.

Temporary Orders

During the divorce or legal separation process, either party can request temporary orders to address immediate issues. These temporary orders can cover:

  • Child Custody and Visitation: Arrangements for where the children will live and how visitation will be managed.
  • Child Support: Temporary financial support for children.
  • Spousal Support: Temporary financial support for a spouse.
  • Property Control: Who will have control over certain assets during the proceedings.
  • Restraining Orders: Protection from harassment or abuse.

Mediation and Settlement

California encourages the use of mediation to resolve disputes in divorce and legal separation cases. Mediation can be a cost-effective way to reach agreements on contentious issues such as child custody, property division, and support. If both parties can agree on all terms, they can submit a settlement agreement to the court for approval, which can expedite the process and reduce legal fees.

Contested vs. Uncontested Divorce

A divorce can be either contested or uncontested. In an uncontested divorce, both parties agree on all terms, and the process can be relatively straightforward. In a contested divorce, disagreements on key issues require court intervention, which can prolong the process and increase costs. Understanding whether your divorce is likely to be contested or uncontested can help you prepare and manage expectations.

Finalizing the Divorce or Legal Separation

To finalize a divorce or legal separation, the court will issue a final judgment that includes all agreements or court orders related to child custody, support, property division, and other matters. For divorce, the final judgment will also include the termination of marital status. It’s important to ensure that all details are accurately reflected in the final judgment to avoid future disputes.

Post-Judgment Modifications

Life circumstances can change, and post-judgment modifications may be necessary to address new developments. Either party can request modifications to child custody, support, or spousal support orders if they can demonstrate a significant change in circumstances. Understanding the process for post-judgment modifications can help ensure that the agreements remain fair and relevant.

Legal Resources and Support

Navigating divorce or legal separation can be challenging, but there are numerous resources available to help. Legal aid organizations, support groups, and family law attorneys can provide valuable guidance and support throughout the process. Taking advantage of these resources can help you understand your rights, make informed decisions, and achieve the best possible outcome.

By incorporating these additional details, you can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the processes and considerations involved in divorce and legal separation in California. For personalized advice and assistance, contact a qualified family law attorney who can provide tailored support based on your specific circumstances.
