Who gets the dog in a divorce in California?

Who gets the dog in a divorce under the California Family Code?

who gets the dog in a divorce who gets the dog in a divorce Who gets the dog in a divorce in California? who gets the dog in a divorce 150x150Who gets the dog in a divorce was a property division question only but is more than that now. CA Family Code 2605 addresses the issue of a pet in a divorce. The household dog is more than just a pet for some homes; he or she is a part of the household.  But what is the dog’s fate if you or your partner want to break up? Who gets the dog in a divorce? Divorce in California could soon be extended to the dogs, thanks to new regulations.

The Fate of the Family Dog during Divorce

Although property division isn’t really simple during a separation, it is a task that can be accomplished. The division of property is governed by rules. California is a community property jurisdiction, which ensures that in the event of a divorce, each partner is constitutionally paid fifty percent of the marital asset, which contains all properties and liabilities known as community property, or property accumulated during the union.

In most states, the family pet is classified as property – just like the living room couch or the kitchen oven. That simply implies that the pet dog can be exchanged for cash, just like the furniture in the house, between the divorcing spouses. In case you own a pet, you might have to deal with the problem of deciding on Who gets the dog in a divorce. But according to a new law that in effect from January 2019, this view has changed.

Service custody will become a major point of contention between divorcing couples, as dogs are worshipped in the manner families do. It is also not uncommon for parents to decide which resembles an agreement for the custody of children rather than property. The custodial routine of a dog is as determined as that of an infant. This custody arrangement is arranged similarly to an agreement on child custody with specifics such as when the dog feeds, where the dog sleeps, and who gets the dog in a divorce.

Who gets the dog in a divorce is A Judge-Making Decision

The final ruling, as with any divorce deal, will be taken by a judge and will be based on his or her opinions on the matter.

To decide on Who gets the dog in a divorce in some instances, a judge might watch to see if the pair have kids. Judges also tend to recognize the importance of a child’s relationship with a dog pet and seek to maintain the relationship. In those cases, a judge may order that the dog be given the specific custody plan as the child or that the dog be given to the party who spends the most time with the child. But if there are no kids, a judge is likely to order a parting couple to sell their pet or make one side sell it to the other.

Divorces with family pets have a reputation for being acrimonious. A judge during one case ordered the “owners” and their dog to be taken to a park. The dog was let off the leash when the “owners” stood on opposite sides of the park, instructed not to reach out to it. The dog ultimately selected the lady, and the husband received $500 in exchange for the dog’s possession.

In another contested situation, no side was able to relinquish custody of the puppy. And when a judge was preparing to order the dog’s sale, all “owners” agreed – to divide ownership. The deal stipulated that the dog must go back and forth every week.whol gets to keep the dog during divorce who gets the dog in a divorce Who gets the dog in a divorce in California? dogcourt 300x300

Who gets the dog in a divorce – effect of Prenuptial Agreements

The family pet may or may not have been written into the prenuptial arrangement, depending on whether he or she was taken into the household. If the pet was included in the deal, the ruling court would almost certainly uphold it to decide on Who gets the dog in a divorce.

You should, as well, plan for your divorce. If you and your husband will agree on how to handle the family dog, it would not be an issue in the dissolution, However, the pet was not included in an agreement and you cannot agree who gets the dog in a divorce, a court would have to make the decision.

Disputes Over Property Division

Many kinds of marital property are difficult to split evenly. The family’s dog, as previously mentioned, as well as the family home, accumulated retirement benefit compensation, expensive objects earned as wedding gifts, and family enterprises, are all instances of community property that are difficult to divide. You might wish to keep the family home together, or you and your partner may choose to sell it and share the money. California’s divorce law has clauses that specify how community resources that are hard to share can be shared evenly.

Putting Your Marital Property and Assets in Order

While arranging for divorce, it is vital to prioritize your properties to know what assets you possess, how much you’re prepared to give away, what you’d like to hold. This will assist in making what would potentially be a complex and daunting procedure easier, simplified, and less divisive. And if you and your partner are getting ready to split, it’s always crucial to be transparent and truthful with your desires throughout the procedure, and what assets you want to keep until the relationship has ended.

Marriages that can’t come to terms on how to split their assets along with the family pet and expenses in divorce will almost certainly end up in court, at which a judge will decide for them. Even though some counsels usually encourage partners and try to hammer out their property division issues amicably, they are still ready to go to court on their behalf and defend their interests before the courts. The attorneys have considerable experience advising their clients throughout all aspects of family law and will assist them in dividing their marital assets equally.


Determining pet custody in a California divorce has become a nuanced process, emphasizing the emotional bond between pets and their owners. California Family Code Section 2605, effective since January 1, 2019, enables judges to prioritize the well-being of pets in divorce cases.

Understanding California Family Code Section 2605

This law grants judges the authority to consider various factors to ensure pets’ best interests are maintained. This reflects a shift from viewing pets as mere property to recognizing their role as beloved family members.

Factors Considered by the Court

When deciding who gets the pet in a divorce, courts evaluate:

  • Care and Maintenance: Which party has primarily cared for the pet, including feeding, grooming, and medical care.
  • Bond and Relationship: The emotional connection between each party and the pet, including time spent together and the quality of their relationship.
  • Living Arrangements: The stability and suitability of each party’s living situation for the pet, such as space, yard access, and a pet-friendly environment.
  • Future Care Plans: Each party’s ability and plans to provide for the pet’s future needs, considering financial means and availability.
  • Domestic Violence: Any history of domestic violence, as it impacts the safety and well-being of the pet.

Pet Custody Agreements

Divorcing parties are encouraged to mutually agree on pet custody arrangements, similar to child custody agreements. These can include:

  • Custody Schedules: Plans for shared custody, visitation schedules, and holiday arrangements.
  • Expenses: Agreements on dividing veterinary bills, grooming costs, and other pet-related expenses.
  • Decision-Making: Provisions for making decisions about the pet’s health, diet, and general care.

Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements

To avoid disputes, couples can include pet custody provisions in prenuptial or postnuptial agreements, specifying custody and visitation rights.

Legal Representation and Mediation

Given the emotional stakes, it’s wise for parties to seek legal representation or mediation. Family law attorneys can help negotiate and draft pet custody agreements, ensuring the pet’s best interests are prioritized.


The question of who gets the dog in a California divorce now involves more than property division. California Family Code Section 2605 allows judges to make decisions that prioritize the pet’s well-being. By understanding these provisions and considering prenuptial agreements and mediation, couples can navigate pet custody with clarity and compassion.


